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About Us
Mid-State Produce is a proud fifth-generation farming family deeply rooted in eastern North Carolina, passionately cultivating the land since the 1800s.
It Started with a Passion for Agriculture
The Sullivan family has been farming land in eastern North Carolina since the 1800s. We are a fifth generation farming family with a passion for agriculture. With over 4,000 acres of sweet potatoes, cotton, and other crops we’re not just farmers, we’re experts. Growing 700 acres of sweet potatoes and developing strong relationships with other farmers gives us the ability to provide hand-harvested and locally grown sweet potatoes year round.
Owner, Scott Sullivan, has enjoyed farming since the day he was big enough to push his John Deere tractor toys around in his parents’ shag carpet living room. As years passed, and his parents continued to grow the farming operation Scott’s passion for the land never wavered. Scott joined the farm full-time in 1999 after graduating from North Carolina State University. A few years and lots of acres later, he married his wife Katie in 2006. Together they are raising three daughters who are quickly following in their father’s footsteps. Watching the sixth generation take interest in becoming stewards of land like their ancestors before them brings immense joy. Family has always been important to us throughout the years, and that is the reason we are so grateful to have the opportunity to feed families high quality sweet potatoes.
Five Generations Strong

Savor the Legacy, Taste the Freshness
Nestled in the heart of North Carolina, our family farm has flourished for over a century, cultivating a diverse array of crops with love and expertise. From our fields to your table, we take pride in every step of the journey, ensuring you receive the finest produce. Curious about what we grow? Discover our products and experience the taste of tradition combined with the freshness of today.
Food Certifications
The Sullivan family maintains several accreditation’s and certifications across our Mid-State Produce farm and packing center. We voluntarily acquired these designations before the construction of our packing facility because we believe in agricultural practices that preserve the environment and promote long-term growth and quality. Our certifications cover a range of standards, including ethical labor, safe processing, sustainable practices.

The NURTURE Standard is regulated by the Ethical Trading Initiative as part of Tesco, a multinational grocery retailer. The NUTURE Standards are globally uniform, which means our practices meet the same standards as those of growers all over the world. We pass an annual assessment of our worker safety and ethics to maintain certification, which helps retailers, distributors and the food service industry recognize our trustworthy business practices.

GLOBALG.A.P. recognizes Good Agricultural Practice on a worldwide scale for sustainability and safety. This organization and the Boyette family both have a vision for farming practices that have long-term positive impacts on the world. Our farm was one of the first farms in Wilson County to become GLOBALG.A.P. certified, and we were certified before it became mandatory for all exporters.

The United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Certified Organic label is one of the most recognized certifications. Organic certification is only granted by the USDA to farms that meet stringent standards, some including: no use of pesticides for at least 3 years prior to certification, no pesticide use while certified (or risk losing accreditation), and pass routine inspections. Every step of production and distribution benefits from this practice. Our sweet potato farm practices reduce the impact of chemical exposure on workers and the environment, our buyers can market and charge a higher premium for organic produce, and consumers enjoy supporting an environmentally-conscious farm while limiting their consumption of foods grown with pesticides.
Sustainability Philosophy
The Sullivan family has upheld sustainable farming practices at Mid-State Produce since the 1800s. We prioritize preserving natural resources to ensure future sustainability and profitability. We use crop rotation to control nematodes, support weed control, and reduce pesticide use. Working with a private agronomist helps us maximize yield and quality while minimizing costs. Our commitment to sustainability attracts buyers who share our values. Contact us to learn how our practices set our crops apart.